The Methodology Of Feedback System In Evaluating The Formative Assessment In Undergraduate Medical Education Second-Year Pharmacology In A Developing Medical College In Himachal Pradesh

Feedback System In Evaluating

1-7 Deepak Prashar, Ghulam Mohammad Loan, Sanjay Kumar, Erwin M. Faller

The The Relationship between Home Environmental Sanitation and ISPA Incidence in Toddlers in Kaleroang Village, South Bungku District, Morowali Regency

Environmental Sanitation and ISPA

8-21 Muhammad Ikhsan Akbar, Leniarti Ali, Wa Ode Nova Noviyanti Rachman, Sri Mulyani, Triyah Indah Sari

A Preliminary Study To Assess Consumer Conception On Online Vs Offline Purchase Of Medicines

Assess Consumer Conception On Online


Preparation And Evaluation Of Polyherbal Scented Candle Using Volatile Oils Extracted By Enfleurage Method

Evaluation Of Polyherbal Scented Candle

38-48 Usha Kiran Reddy Thimmapuram

The Mobilization Of Metal Elements Against The Incidence Of Dermatitis Is Seen From Community Knowledge In The Mining Circle In Amonggedo Sub-District, Konawe District

Dermatitis Is Seen From Community Knowledge

49-53 Noviati Noviati, Muhammad Ramdan, Abdul Rahim Sya`ban, Juslan

The Effect Of Brain Gym For Kognitif Function In Elderly Kendari City Healtyh Center

Brain Gym For Kognitif Function

54-62 Armayani Armayani, Faridah Mohd Said, Nisha Nambiar , Ratna Umi Nurlila

Profile Of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Patients In Cirebon, Indonesia: Maternal Passive Smoking Risk

Maternal Passive Smoking Risk

63-72 Witri Pratiwi, Yogi Puji Rachmawan

The Effect Of Tem-Umw Ultraviolet Sterilization Box Radiation On Paper Money Bacteria

Paper Money Bacteria

73-78 Desak Ketut Sutiari, Muhammad Abidin; Wayan Somayasa; La Ode Hamrin

Risk Factors for The Incident of Serotinus Pregnancy in The Lalowaru Health Center Area, North Moramo District

Serotinus Pregnancy

79-87 Hasniah Dina, Apriyanti, Dedi Krismiadi, Nazaruddin

Traditional Health Practices In The Kajang Community

Health Practices

88-95 Musfirah Fhyra, Syamsu Andi Kamaruddin, Arli Adam, Andi Ihsan, Hasma

Description Of Social Interaction Elderly In Kuta Raya Village

Social Interaction Elderly

96-104 Indriani Christine Kaban, Lindawati Simorangkir, Lilis Novitarum

Description Of Social Support And Academic Adaptation In First Year Students At Study Program Ners Stikes Santa Elisabeth Field

Social Support And Academic Adaptation

105-112 Elisa Sinaga, Mestiana Karo, Helinida Saragih

The Relationship Between Nurses' Caring Behavior And The Level Of Spirituality Of Patients In The Lidwina And Yosef Hospital Rooms Santa Elisabeth Medan

Caring Behavior And The Level Of Spirituality

113-121 Enni Lidia Pasaribu, Mestiana Karo, Ance M. Siallagan

The Relationship Between Risky Food Consumption Behavior And The Incidence Of Obesity In The Community Tanjung Anom

Food Consumption Behavior

122-130 Jantrisa Maria Magdalena, Imelda Derang, Friska Ginting

Dyslipidemia, Physical Activity, and Long Suffering from DM are Associated with Peripheral Neuropathy in Diabetes Mellitus Patients: Cross-Sectional Study

Dyslipidemia, Physical Activity

131-138 Hasniah Dina, Heltty Heltty, Zahalim

The Effect Of Health Education Using Video To Increase Community Knowledge And Attitude Regarding Hypertension Diseases In Terebino Village

Health Education Using Video

138-147 Tasnim Tasnim, Ratnasari, Fandy Gatra

Analysis Of Factors Causing Sexual Deviance (Lesbian) In Adolescents In The Coastal Region Of Southeast Sulawesi

Sexual Deviance (Lesbian)

148-154 Wisnu Catur Bayu Pati, Andi Asri, M. Syukri Siradjuddin

Description Of Teraupeutic Communication Of Nurses At Santa Elisabeth Hospital Medan

Teraupeutic Communication

155-162 Khatlyn Theopani Dongoran, Mestiana Karo, Lindawati Simorangkir

The Role of Community Health Nursing in Insulin Initiation for Type 2 Diabetes Patients: A Literature Review

Insulin Initiation for Type 2 Diabetes

212-221 Laode Saltar

The Potential of Moringa Oleifera Leaf (Moringa oleifera Lam.) as an Antibacterial: Systematic Literature Review

Moringa Oleifera Leaf

222-229 Asri Yuniar Dwi Nanda

The Effect Of Health Education Video Of Bullying Behavior On Student’s Knowledge

Health Education Video

230-239 Mochamad Hasbyalloh, Dewi Asri Saraswati , Atira

The Influence of Work Posture and Work Duration on the Incidence of Low Back Pain Among Batik Artisans: a Cross-sectional Study

Work Posture and Work Duration

240-247 Megistra Pamungkas, Susilo Budi Pratama, Lukman Faishal Fatharani

The Factors of Failure to Exclusively Breastfeed In the BLUD UPTD Working Area of the Kandai Public Health Center of Kendari City

Exclusively Breastfeed

248-258 Hasniah Dina, Dedi Krismiadi, Apriyanti

The Dendrimers as Drug Delivery Platforms of the Mechanisms, Benefits, and Use in Anti-Pain: Systematice Literature Review

Drug Delivery Platforms

259-265 Najla Yusiana Wahyudi, Sri Rahayu

The Factors Related to Food Waste Disposal Behavior of Students in the Dormitory in STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan

Food Waste Disposal Behavior

266-274 Iralomal Oktavia Sitompul, Jagentar Pane, Lindawati Simorangkir

The Relationship Between Self-Management and Health Behavior of Hypertension Patients in Romana Tanjung Anom Clinic

Self-Management and Health Behavior

275-284 Stefi Kristina Gultom, Lilis Novitarum, Murni Sari Dewi Simanullang

The Relationship Between Pastoral Care and The Anxiety Level of Preoperative Patients at Santa Elisabeth Hospital Medan

Anxiety Level of Preoperative Patients

285-293 Fitriani Telaumbanua, Mardiati Barus, Imelda Derang, Murni Sari Dewi Simanullang

Analysis of Social Factors on Immunization Refusal in Jungkat Village

Immunization Refusal

294-302 Andika, Rupita, Marini, Abu Rizal Bakri, Triadi Ramada, Ibnu Sabil, Edi Kurniawan