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Background: Data on the achievement of minimum service standards at Bahteramas Hospital shows that several programs have not reached the specified Minimum Service Standards, namely the availability of facilities and operating equipment (34.37), customer satisfaction (74.04%) from the standard ?80%, time provision of medical records (30 minutes) from standard 10 minutes, completeness of informed concent (67.75%) of ?80%. Observing the development of human resources at the Bahteramas Hospital has not been carried out optimally, for example, such as a standardized selection and recruitment process, support for facilities, infrastructure and technology, individual commitment to organization, leadership commitment and employee work relations themselves. The purpose of this research is to analyze factors related to the quality of human resources at the Bahteramas Regional General Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province.
Methods: Quantitative research using a cross sectional study design.The population in this study amounted to 981 people. The number of samples in this study were 277 people. The sample was determined by simple random sampling technique. The data were obtained using the testchi square.
Result: The test results using the chi square statistical test, it is known that the value of the selection variable (22,378> 3,841), the value of the training variable (18,658> 3,841), the value of the individual commitment variable (38,863> 3,841), the value of the reward variable (51,784> 3,841), the value of the skill variable (94,713> 3,841).
Conclusion: There is a relationship between selection and the quality of human resources, there is a relationship between training and the quality of human resources, there is a relationship between individual commitment and the quality of human resources, there is a relationship between reward and the quality of human resources, there is a relationship between skills and the quality of human resources.
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